Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chivalrous Love

The knight and his "princesses"

It just so happened that he wore this shirt today. A planned short picnic at the park with our friends proved to be full of adventure. A "lousy dragon" tried to invade the castle and make off with the princesses. Fortunately there was a knight in shining armor there to protect them, scare the lousy dragon away, and wisk his darling princesses off to a feast for kings.
 Sweet chivalrous boy.

Monday, November 8, 2010

November Love!

Have you been keeping busy, too?

Great Grandmothers are wonderful homework helpers

And rocking the ladder & slide in a favorite costume is a fall favorite

A little random drawing

and creative expression.

Did I mention that we are learning to write our name?

As I sat down at the computer tonight I realized that somehow we zipped through October and landed a week into November. With only a little over two weeks left before Thanksgiving  I think it's time to pull out the Holiday meal planner and start with the arts & crafts. I love how each year the hand print turkeys get a little bigger than the last. And the joy of working in the kitchen as the wonderful tradition of letting the children create the dinner placecards takes place nearby.

Do you have a Thanksgiving tradition?


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