Friday, January 7, 2011
Family Fun Night Love
Family fun night is a treasure. We start the night off with Italian fondue & warm bread for dipping. I know that they enjoy how it taste, but there is something exciting about eating dinner with long forks. As the night of movie watching and game playing progresses, the chocolate fondue that is being kept warm by a little flickering flame slowly entices little ones to a helping of fresh fruit.
Tonight offered a movie, a game, an intermission fort & last minute game of musical chairs. As the evening comes to a close, the patter of feet racing up the stairs and the giggles that fill the home make it all worth it.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Guest Love
I love how this boy of mine can go from playing soccer, trains, dinosaur stomping, rough housing and growling, to a super host at the drop of a hat. When he "hosts" he is very particular about what is being served & how it is presented. Starting with a picnic blanket in the sun, a very precise request for 6 peanut butter Nutella, star shaped sandwiches and "tea" (juice) in the teapot quickly follows. As perfect as he requires everything to be, it cracks me up that he could care less about being pantless.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Treasure Hunt Love
We went on a treasure hunt today looking for all the broken
crayons that needed some love and purpose.
crayons that needed some love and purpose.
This was our first pile of crayon loot.

We carefully removed them from their tattered paper jackets and melted them down so we could spoon them into some awesomely shaped molds.
An hour after our adventure began we had six new useful froggy
friends and nine mini dino buddies ready to color our world.
I just love colorful days, don't you?
- Stephanie
Music Love
I think I have mentioned before that we really enjoy having music fill our home. This year brought two new welcome additions. A much awaited drum set and new kind of guitar that allows for an instant jam session.
It's been a blast so far and I can't wait to see what they come up with next.
- Stephanie
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Goodbye 2010... Hello 2011!
Hoping your Holiday brought back the Joys of Childhood and the comfort of nostalgia.
Looking forward to a fun 2011 filled with new ideas, adventures and memories.
I can't wait to get started!
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