Monday, January 30, 2012

Field Trips and other fun

We love field trips. Especially the ones where we get to connect with nature. I think one of the things I like most about our home school group is the outings to local places we didn't even know existed!

Last week we spent time at a nature center that in actuality, is hiding, snuggled away, just off of the freeway in Long Beach. It was informative, fun and beautiful with a 1 mile trail, 2 mile trail, pond & learning center. The grounds were well maintained and full of life. Such a great learning experience.

 Turtles have spines & their shells have patterns & textures.

After that we headed to the beach for lunch on the pier. There is something cool & creepy about eating lunch in an old building on the part of the pier that has the original looking timber. 

Racing about with a hand full of shells.

Do you have any favorite outings?


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Business Love

It amazes me how our eldest has pretty much always known what she wanted to be when she grew up. She started writing stories through pictures when she was just a tot and is now enjoying art high school with her many writing conservatory classes.

Our youngest is following in her footstep in the sense that for the past two and a half years he has told us that he is going to be an artist which has now turned into artist/designer. He is 5 and continues to enjoy learning new skills in the area.

Our middle girl has struggled as she is an "in the moment" girl. This fact has often found her feeling left out as if she didn't have any talents. She has many talents, but like someone else, she has less focus. That is until this past year. We introduced her to interior design and textiles. She is smitten. She created a board for her bedroom remodel and did quite a good job executing her ideas. Her hand stitching continues to improve and she is learning how to block print using her drawings. It is very exciting to see her light up as she creates.

She has some exciting news brewing, but, you'll have to wait for that. (hint: Spoonflower) She does plan on including it on her OCHSA application next year. So exciting!

I love watching them as they figure out who they are at this moment. I know they will grow and change, but I do Love watching them enjoy being the writer/artist/designer they are now.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Zoo Love

It started with a joyful elephant making music with her trunk.

Then the happiest of giraffes decided to join in on the fun.

The colorful peacock invited them to stay

They soaked up all the sun ...

before scampering away.

Are you fond of animals, too?


Monday, January 2, 2012

Hiding Love

So the middle girl has her "best friend in the WHOLE World!" here for a sleep over. The girl also happens to be the Love of the little boys life. I think it must be dreadful to be a five year old little brother in love. He cries over her... a lot. Especially when he can't find them because they are quietly hiding under the covers of the loft bed. I feel for the boy, but I feel for the girls too. It looks like it will be one of those late nights where he reads books and colors in his chair. Happy boy. Happy Girls. Good Night.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Holiday Love

We hope that you get to stay up as late as you want to. Happy New Year.


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