Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Color Change

Mixing it up

It's amazing what modern children have access to. Games, books, toys, a myriad of items have flooded the market all hoping to find their niche in a billion dollar industry. From toys with images of fine art, beautifully illustrated stories, to computer generated games & ideas or $0.99 rubbish, we have only a little clue as to absolutely everything they come in contact with. Toss in any phone or game App , and you widen the gap between what we had during our childhood & what they have.

Bingo, Memory, Letter & Numbers, iTouch & in-process Dino Sock Puppet

Today at lunch while I finished eating, my son, playing on this , mentioned that he was going to paint his pumpkin orange. Earlier this year we learned about the color wheel so I asked him is he remembered what colors you mix in order to make orange. He confidently replied " Green, blue & red." Slightly confused, I reminded him that red & yellow make orange.  "You're so silly mom! Red, Green & Blue make Orange!" and the kid promptly opened up his app and showed my just how RGB make orange.

Silly Me.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Laundry Love

My littlest one Loves to sort socks. This is great for me as I can always use an extra hand when it comes to laundry. It also is good for him for a couple reasons. First, he is helping, which is something that is important to him. Second, he is doing it himself & third, he is learning to sort. He sorts the socks by who they belong to. Then he sorts through to find the mates. This requires skill as not all black socks are the same.

I wonder how long until he asks to be paid :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Self Love

Being True to Oneself

One of my fondest memories of the girls would be from ages 3 to 5. The period where dressing themselves with total disregard for any rules of fashion was law in our home. Some of their ensembles would make you squint your face & raise an eyebrow. Our eldest went on a walk one day with her grandfather & came home in this black velvet number adorned with shiny sequins & glitter - along with a matching bolero. This was her self titled "Vegas" dress & she LOVED it. She would pair it with rainboots or tennies and go everywhere in it.Our middle daughter enjoyed LOTS of color, bows & princess attire, but somehow she was always well put together. She still is quite the fashionista.

As our third child, a son, began to reach that dress up age, I was wondering if he too would find a unique combination of articles to wear. To my suprise, he enjoyed wearing full costumes everywhere we went. Dinosaur, Dragon, Woody, Max & most recently, himself. He refuses to let us cut his hair, claiming "It's part of me Mom!" and it has besome quite long and wild - Think Mad Hatter

I am quite proud of how each child has chosen their own path. They mix a little mainstream with a hint of their own personal style & it comes across quite well. They carry it, own it & enjoy it. I Love it.


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