Friday, September 10, 2010

Self Love

Being True to Oneself

One of my fondest memories of the girls would be from ages 3 to 5. The period where dressing themselves with total disregard for any rules of fashion was law in our home. Some of their ensembles would make you squint your face & raise an eyebrow. Our eldest went on a walk one day with her grandfather & came home in this black velvet number adorned with shiny sequins & glitter - along with a matching bolero. This was her self titled "Vegas" dress & she LOVED it. She would pair it with rainboots or tennies and go everywhere in it.Our middle daughter enjoyed LOTS of color, bows & princess attire, but somehow she was always well put together. She still is quite the fashionista.

As our third child, a son, began to reach that dress up age, I was wondering if he too would find a unique combination of articles to wear. To my suprise, he enjoyed wearing full costumes everywhere we went. Dinosaur, Dragon, Woody, Max & most recently, himself. He refuses to let us cut his hair, claiming "It's part of me Mom!" and it has besome quite long and wild - Think Mad Hatter

I am quite proud of how each child has chosen their own path. They mix a little mainstream with a hint of their own personal style & it comes across quite well. They carry it, own it & enjoy it. I Love it.


  1. Hello! Adorable pictures, what a cutie and funky styled child! He must have a cool Mom :)

  2. Thank you for your kindness (a little blushing warm smile)



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