Saturday, August 1, 2009

The morning started quiet enough,
with the sound of a soft plea for chocolate chip pancakes, I paused.
Thankfully, I had a package of one of the best chocolate chip pancake mixes , happily waiting on the pantry shelf for it's turn at bringing a little joy into the morning routine.
I love how quick and easy the very tasty and healthy pancakes whip up. It made me giggle a little to write healthy as I looked up to notice a can of little whipped dairy pleasure peeking into the photo...but like I like to say, it's all about balance, right?

None the less, there is just something wonderfully magical about a warm breakfast. For it is the only meal that can tip toe around a quiet & settled house, sneaking into each room and tickling the nose of every sleeping beauty. It is pleasantly mischievous, with it's ability to wake even one of those many sleeping summer teens...
After we filled the room with morning conversation and bellies full of culinary delights, a quick clean up together before everyone went their separate ways did not last near as long as I had hoped. The house got early morning quiet as they all slipped away.
Thankfully I had something to do...

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